Saturday, May 22, 2010


i have been taking wayyyy to many pictures with my iphone. i need to stop and use my real camera.

first picture: a bird cage plug i saw in a tattoo magazine on our weekley trip to the book store.
i want this plug!!! im obssesed with bird cages!

second picture: ryan caught a worm in his bug cage. he named the worm Shew Fly.

third picture: we took ryan to Kohls and got him the new toy story stuffed toys they sell for only $5 each.

fourth picture: my parents dragged me & ryan to the rv show at the fairgrounds, and i went in every single Airstream trailor. i have been wanting one of my own forever, too bad they start at $80,000.00 YIKES!


  1. I love love love bird cages too!!!!

  2. The Airstream is sickkkkk. If you ever get one. ROAD TRIP!!!! God, that would be rad.

    LOVE the name Shew fly for the worm. <3
    Ryan is awesome.

    I have some birdcage ideas for stuff to sell I could run by you, and offer to you when done.
