Monday, May 24, 2010


yesterday Stephanie taught Ryan how to write his name in like 10 mins. i have been trying for months on and off, and she did it like that. i think he was more into learning from Stephanie than he is from me. he always gets frustrated when i try to teach him stuff, but he enjoyed learning how to write his name yesterday all thanks to Stephanie. im so thankful!! now its up to John and I to keep practicing with Ryan.


  1. I am so proud of Ryan. Keep up the good work buddy!

  2. Yayyyy! Go Ryan!!! He is such a big boy.

    I was looking at old pictures randomly, and kind of got sucked in further than planned while looking at baby pics of Ryry. It's so crazy to me to see this little dude he has become.

    Congratulate him for me! Well, I guess I can on Thursday, weeeee!
