Thursday, August 5, 2010

baby update

i haven't posted a new blog in a month or so. we have been so busy this summer, and we will be even more busy in the coming weeks. i love keeping busy, and taking Ryan to fun exciting places weekly. I'm spoiling him this summer, since this summer is the last summer he will be an only child. i love spending every day with him, he brings such joy to my life. everyday he learns new things, and teaches me new things.

now update about baby in my belly:
as you probably know by now baby b. is a BOY!
and John, Ryan & I are so excited!
baby boy still has no for sure name.... we are pretty sure on a first name, but no middle name yet.
baby b. is healthy and happy and growing and kicking me all the time. he is very active, and i think he wants to break out. but he has to wait till Nov 15th (i wouldn't mind if he came out a week or two sooner)

as for me, i went to doctor yesterday, i still haven't gained weight, which makes me happy. i have plenty of fat to share with baby, no need to gain more. i have been eating better and exercising more. i plan to keep this routine once baby is here.
as of yesterday i am on bed rest/ disability leave. my cysts are causing more pain each day, as baby gets bigger and puts more pressure on my ovaries. so i will not return to work until well after baby is born.
this is a huge weight off my shoulders, i am always worried at work that just by working i will harm myself more. i act like I'm fine, i work just the same as i would when I'm healthy, i don't want sympathy, or to be treated like I'm disabled. so by working my butt off i cause myself more pain.

i talked to doctor about having a c-section so she can remove the cysts while baby is born, but she said no. having a c-section may be more harmful to baby and me, there are possibilities of bacterias harming us, and if there are complications with the cysts it could also hurt baby.
so i will have the baby naturally, and 6 weeks after baby is born, i will have surgery to remove cysts.
not what i wanted (but its what's best) . this means i will spend several weeks fully healing from baby being born, then right after several weeks of recovering from surgery. all during thanksgiving & Ryan's birthday & Christmas.  this holiday season will be exciting since i will have a new baby to love, but at the same time its going to be the hardest holiday season i will probably ever have.
but I'm strong, and stubborn, and i have John and Ryan loving me and supporting me every step of the way. I'm lucky to have them, and I'm so grateful.


  1. This post makes me so happy.
    It's so sweet.

    Although, I am sad to hear about the pain you are having to endure. I 'm ecstatic to hear about the kicking, and the leave from work, and the feeling healthy and what not. I saw pictures from you Grandfathers over the weekend, and you are looking gorgeous!
    The holidays will be exciting, and I hope you will let me help in any way I can while you are healing and caring for baby boy and Ryry. I'd be happy to come hang out and lend a hand when I'm not working.
    I cannot wait to meet baby boy!!!

  2. PS: SVU Marathon day and Fabric, Sunday. Let's do it!

  3. Awww. I like this. i'm so happy you are finally on leave from work!!!! you won't have to go back for helllllla long. That will be awesome!
