Tuesday, April 27, 2010

pregnant week 11

today was my 3rd ultra sound in 12 days. which is not normall procedure. but lucky me im high risk pregnancy. so i will be at the doctors wayyyyy more than i want to. the reason i'm high risk is i have EIGHT cysts on my right ovary. when i was pregnant with Ryan i had a cyst, which the doctor told me went away. the doctor was an idiot and it never did go away, when Ryan was 2 yrs old, i woke up in the middle of the night in the worst pain i have ever felt, John rushed me to the emergancy room where they discovered a cyst the size of an orange, that was twisting my ovary over and over. OUCH! so now with this pregnancy i made them check cause i was feeling the same pain as before and in the same spot. sure enough i have not 1 buy 8 cysts making my life hell. i met my doctor today (she was the one that saved my life with the cyst surgery when Ryan was 2) i asked her back then to be my baby doctor if i ever got pregnant again, that way i have a doc that knows what i have been through. so i met up with her today, and she told me what we will need to do with the cyst situation.

A: if the cysts' stay the same size and cause me pain i can manage
i will have surgery after the baby is born to remove them

B: if the cysts get larger and cause me unbearable pain i will need emergancy surgery which most likely means i will loose the baby.

lets cross our fingers for option A

another thing wrong with me is i have a tear between my placenta and uterus. if i start to bleed because of it, i can miscarry.

basically this pregnancy is not going very well and im just in the first trimester.
i will give more updates as they come along.


  1. I'm hoping for A as well. I'm sorry this pregnancy is going so yucky already. At least you know what an amazing gift you will get at the end. I love you!

  2. SCary. I'm keeping all things that will cross on my body crossed for you guys! Just lay in bed and don't move for the next nine months. If only that were possible, right?!

  3. I'm sending good thoughts everyday mama.
    Do you have a set appointments for the doctor? Like do you know how often you will be going from here on out?
    I'm all tense and scared now. I can't imagine how you must feel, it just sounds so scary.
    I Love you Mama. Stay strong.

  4. i'm sending all the happy positive thoughts you way that i can. i really hope this all works out for you!
