Saturday, April 24, 2010

i'm back

i deleted my blog and now I'm bringing it back.
i have so much going on in my life, that i want to share it with whoever wishes to know whats happening.

the past 3 weeks have been crazy!

i had my 28th birthday YIKES!
and it was rad! we had a bbq with a few friends at our house.
then we went to the sharks game with 22 other people.
we took up a huge section of seating, and they put my name on the jumbo-tron
and since we know the camera guy, he put all 25 of us on the jumbo-tron (AWESOME)

john, Ryan and i went to great America (we have season passes)
i cant go on many rides, but i love to watch Ryan on all the roller coasters.

i have been to the doctors 3 times in the past 2 weeks. :(
i am "high risk" pregnancy. which is no fun.
but i will survive and try not to complain too much about my many pregnant issues.

we went to Milo's first birthday party. which was SUPER fun! i LOVE Milo.
then after Milo's party we went to my cousin Mikey's 16th surprise birthday party. which was also a really good time!

we went to visit my aunt sandy in Santa Cruz (she has cancer) and shes not doing well :(
after Sandy's we went by F-U Tattoo and hung out for a while, just to catch up, gossip, the usual.

yesterday we went to Annie's 30th birthday party (Annie is Thad's girlfriend) and her bday dinner was so rad! it was at a fancy hotel in Los Gatos. i was totally not dressed right. but oh well. john got wasted, cause it was open bar. it was a five course meal (which i didn't eat ... i just had the cake) john ate my and Ryan's ribs, salmon, beat salad and these weird sheep cheese things.
Annie is awesome and i love her, i also love her daughter Nora and Thad is pretty cool too.
Annie's sister is dating the c.e.o. of Volcom (my favorite clothing company of all time!) ANDDD Thad got to draw a design for a shirt and Volcom printed it on their shirts, just for Annie's party. Ryan, John & I each have our own custom Annie bday volcom shirts. how cool is that!

today Ryan and i went for a walk at 10am, we walked to Clayton's friends house, picked up their dog Penny and took Penny to the park, then we came back home, Ryan went swimming in our front yard for 20 mins till the plastic walmart pool decided to crack down the center and all the water leaked out. we went back over to walk Penny again when john got home from work, and now we are making pizza with all the ingredients we got from trader joes.
today was a good day!

and tomorrow, will be just as awesome.... going to s.f. at 8am for a photo shoot @ golden gate park. and then the Giants game. woo hoo!

i love when the sun is out and I'm not feeling like i want to puke every ten seconds.

more bloggage to come... along with pictures.


  1. Yay, glad you're back. I was bummed when I came to visit your blog and it was gone! Glad you guys had a good time at milo's party. We were so happy you all came. We want to make more dates to come hang out with all of you guys more often. Especially with all of us having kiddos now! Its fun to hang out with other people with kids. You sound like you are living a fun life! I'm jealous of your friends sister, I wish I was dating the CEO of Volcom!

  2. YAY!!!! Dude, vent about the pregnancy. Doooo it! I hope your as comfortable as you can be. Try to take it easy. Let me know if I can come help out at all on weekends when things get more uncomfortable, and with any of your shows this summer. Love you sissy! Glad to see you back!
